How do I keep my eyes healthy after Lasik surgery?

Healthy after Lasik surgery

LASIK surgery is a refractive eye surgery used to correct vision problems like hypermetropia,  vision, and presbyopia. This surgical procedure involves using a laser light ray to reshape the cornea, which is the transparent,  external white layer of the Eye, to improve how light enters the Eye and focuses on the retina. LASIK surgery has become popular for people who want to ease their vision without spectacles or contact lenses. Still, after LASIK surgery, it’s important to care for your eyes to ensure they remain healthy and free from complications. 

Here are some tips on how to keep your eyes healthy after LASIK surgery.  

Follow Your Surgeon’spost-Operative Instructions  

Your surgeon will give you specific post-operative instructions that you should follow precisely to ensure the best outcome of your LASIK surgery ( These instructions will generally include information on how to care for your eyes after the procedure, including applying prescribed eye drops and avoiding rubbing or touching your eyes. Following your surgeon’s instructions precisely can help to minimize the threat of complications and ensure that your eyes heal duly.   

Cover Your Eyes From The Sun  

After LASIK surgery, your eyes may be more light-sensitive than usual. It’s important to cover your eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses blocking UVA and UVB  shafts. Look for sunglasses with a wrap-around design that will give maximum content and protection for your eyes. Avoid spending time in direct sun, especially during peak hours when the sun is strongest. 

 Avoid Swimming And Hot Tubs. 

Swimming pools and hot barrels can be breeding grounds for bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause infections. After LASIK surgery, it’s important to avoid swimming and hot barrels for at least two weeks or until your surgeon gives you the permission. This will help to reduce the risk of infections and other complications that can arise from exposure to these surroundings.   

Take Breaks From Your Screen Time  

After LASIK surgery, your eyes may be more prone to dryness and irritation. This can be increased by spending more time looking at a computer, smartphone, or another digital device. Take frequent breaks from your screen time to help with eye strain and dryness. Follow the 20-20-20 rule, which involves taking a break every 20  minutes to look at an object 20  feets away  for 20 seconds.  

 Use Eye Drops As Directed. 

After LASIK surgery, your surgeon will recommend eye drops that will help to keep your eyes lubricant and reduce the threat of infection. Using these drops as directed is important, even though your eyes feel fine. Failure to use your specified eye drops as directed can increase the threat of complications, including infection and inflammation.  

 Avoid Eye Makeup For A While.

After LASIK surgery, avoiding eye makeup for at least two weeks is important. This includes eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow. Eye makeup can harbor bacteria and other microorganisms that can get infections. Also, applying and removing eye makeup can pressure your eyes and increase the threat of complications.

Don’t Drive Until You’re Cleared

After LASIK surgery, your vision may be blurred or hazy for some days. This can make it delicate to drive safely. It’s important to avoid driving until your surgeon allows you. This will help ensure you don’t harm yourself or others with an accident due to improper vision.  

Keep Your Eyes Moisturized  

After LASIK surgery, your eyes may feel dry and itchy. This is a normal side effect of the procedure but can be uncomfortable. To avoid dryness, use the Eye drops as recommended by your surgeon. These drops will help to keep your eyes lubricant and reduce the threat of infection. Be sure to use drops specifically formulated after LASIK surgery, as some eye drops may contain formulations that may irritate your eyes.   

Attend Follow- Up Sessions. 

After LASIK surgery, you’ll be listed for follow-up sessions with your surgeon. These sessions are important for monitoring your progress and ensuring your eyes are healing duly. It’s important to attend to your listed session and follow your surgeon’s recommendations for post-operative care.   

Exercise Caution When Playing Sports

. After LASIK surgery, it’s important to exercise caution when sharing in sports or other physical conditioning that could put your eyes at threat of injury. Avoid conditioning that involves contact or impact with your eyes,  similar to boxing or martial arts. However, wear defensive eyewear designed explicitly for exertion, If you share in sports.   

Be Patient  With Your Recovery 

 Recovering from LASIK surgery can take time, and it’s essential to be patient with the process. Your vision may not be perfect incontinently after surgery, and it may take several weeks or months for your eyes to heal completely. Be set for temporary side goods, like blankness, halos around lights, and perceptivity to light. Utmost of these side goods will resolve on their own over time.  

 In conclusion, keeping your eyes healthy after LASIK surgery requires trouble and attention to detail. By following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions,  guarding your eyes against the sun and other environmental factors, and taking ways to help infection and blankness, you can help insure that your eyes heal duly and that you achieve the most stylish possible outgrowth from your LASIK surgery. Be patient with your recovery, attend all follow-up movables, and be conservative when sharing in sports or other physical conditioning. With proper care, you can enjoy a clear, healthy vision for times to come.